The premise is awesome: mixed use (residential + retail) building that creates a pedestrian road down the center so as to maximize storefront. (more stores=more money)
The execution, however:
This is Festival Street, the pedestrian road down the middle of the project. The hanging lights are a really cool touch, but what's with the three different wall finishes? Solid red, different red and gray, and yellow and green?
Right above those paver lights, these curvy lights swirl around the ceiling. Is it just me or are the swirls way to normal? I think they should much more random.
More ceiling lights. These ones are under the bridge at the North end of Festival Street. Shouldn't they be curvy like the other ones? (It feels like an airport runway.)
Here is a better view of some of that Yellow and Green I was talking about. Somebody must love the Packers. (At night, the bright blue LEDs that run underneath that grate that goes up the side of the building do not help the color scheme.)
They put this fountain in one corner of the site. (Who left their dishes in the fountain? I'm blaming David.)
Look closely. Those are fake windows...with fake laundry...hanging out to fake dry. (who comes up with this stuff?)
And the Piece de Resistance
It's a 20 foot tall table lamp from the '60s. (Really?)
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