Friday, August 24, 2007

Very Movie-like

I dropped her off at the airport on Wednesday morning.

It was very dramatic.

I wanted to give her a shirt of mine that she could wear around when she missed me, but in all the sadness, I forgot to actually give it to her when she got out of the car.

We said our goodbyes, and I drove off.

Suddenly I remembered the shirt on my back seat and raced around the circle so I could back to her before she got away from the ticket stand. I pulled up and jumped out of my car without thinking about how I was parked in a no parking zone. I ran in, but she wasn't at the counter...there was no counter. She had bought and printed out her ticket at home. I ran to the security screening area and shouted her name. She was there, handing her ticket to the ID checker.

She heard me.

Quickly, she dropped her bags at the guards feet and stooped under the black belts that make up the temporary barriers as she made her way back to me.

We hugged one last time as I handed her the shirt.

We said our second set of last goodbyes, and I walked out.

Very movie-like.

1 comment:

d a n i e l l e said...

It was very movie-esque indeed.